ID Authors Title
1 Dian Eka Ermawati, Fildza Alya and Fea Prihapsara Optimization of Nanoemulgel Formula of Gold Particle-Vitamin E and in Vivo Test
2 Yeni Farida, Muchtar Hanafi, Maryani Maryani, Qisty A. Khoiry and Hesti D. Prahastiwi Causative Microorganism of Pneumonia and Antibiotics Sensitivity Pattern on Teaching Hospital in Surakarta, Indonesia
5 Lalu Muhammad Irham, Henry Sung-Ching Wong, Dyah A. Perwitasari, Hwai-I Yang and Wei-Chiao Chang Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism of rs7944135 (MPEG1) is Associated with Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Seroclearance in Chronic Hepatitis B Infection
6 Nina Nur Aini and Nanik Sulistyani Isolation Of Actinomycetes From Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) Rhizosphere And The Ability To Produce Antibiotic
7 Vivi Sofia Analysis of the Relationship between Nuclear Factor Kappa Beta Gene Expression and Prostaglandin E2 Gene Expression in Osteoarthritis Synoviocyte Cells After Mesenchymal Stem Cell Wharton Jelly
9 Zainab Zainab, Laela Hayu Nurani, Achmad Mursyidi and Rahmadani Firda Antibacterial Activity and TLC-Bioautography of Mulberry Leaves (Morus nigra L.) Ethanolic Extract Against Staphylococcus aureus
11 Iis Wahyuningsih , Hani Pertiwi The Effects of SNEDDS (Self-Nano Emulsifying Drug Delivery System ) Black Cumin Oil Seeds (Nigella sativa L) to The Histopatology of Lung   Organts of The Sprague Dawley Rats That Induced By DMBA
12 Dian Prasasti, Sri Juari Santosa and Sri Sudiono Study of Adsorption-Reduction of Au(III) on Esterified Humic Acid
13 Hari Susanti The Antioxidant Activity of The Mangosteen Peel and Green Tea Leaves Combination
15 Titiek Hidayati, Akrom Akrom, Erviana Erviana and Indri Nurasa Relationships Diet with Overweight Events in Disabled Youth
16 Nurkhasanah Mahfudh, Nanik Sulistyani and Adya Desyana Sofyan The Effect Of Ethyl Acetate Fraction Of Bangle Extracts (Zingiber Cassumunar Roxb.) On Interleukin-10 And Interleukin-14 Expression In An In Vitro Manner
17 Nurkhasanah Mahfudh, Nanik Sulistyani and Mifta Annisa Ghifarizi The Effect of Bengle (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.) Rhizome Chloroform Extract on Nitric Oxyde and Reactive Oxygen Intermediate Secretions in Vitro
18 Akrom Akrom Clinical Pharmacoepidemiology Study of Antihypertensive and Antidiabtes Mellitus Drug in Outpatient DM-Hypertensive in Private Hospitals
19 Ayuna Lintangsari and Tri Wahyuni Sukesi The Correlations of Perceptions About Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and the Prevention Behavior of Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) at Sorogenen 2 Purwomartani Kalasan Sleman
21 Sapto Yuliani and Nikmawati Linar Effect of Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) Extract Toward Expression Caspase 3 of Hippocampus Pyramidal Cells on Dementia Model Rats Induced by Trimethyltin
22 Fitriana Putri Utami and Ratu Matahari HIV/AIDS Acceptance and Access to Health Care Services on Female Sex Workers
23 Wawan Kurniawan and Dyah Suryani The Relationship of Personal Hygine of Milkers and Sanitation with Contamination of Escherichia coli On Goat Milk of Etawa Crossbred at People’s Farm
24 Sitti Nur Djannah and Solikhah Solikhah Early Menarche with Breast Cancer Awareness: A Literature Review
27 Triani Marwati, Rokhmayanti and Desi Nurfita The Relationship between Human Resource Characteristics and the Performance of Larvae Surveyors in Gondokusuman 2 Health Center of Yogyakarta
28 Liena Sofiana, Erni Gustina and Yuniar Wardani Behavior Factors and Cases of Helminthiasis in Elementary School Students
29 Ahmad Ahid Mudayana, Norma Sari, Heni Rusmitasari, Siti Fatonah and Desi Aulia Setyaningsih The Implementation of Patient Safety in Indonesia
31 Septian Emma Dwi Jatmika, Muchsin Maulana, Kuntoro Kuntoro, Santi Martini, Sri Widarti and Sifra Chintia Mella Aprila Smoke Free Home Evaluation of Cigarette in Yogyakarta City
32 Nining Sugihartini, Dessy Erliani Mugita Sari, Moch Saiful Bachri and Sapto Yuliani The Amount of β Carotene, Total Phenolic and Total Flavonoid of Ethanol Extract of Leaf Moringa oleifera with Variation Concentration of Solvent
33 Helfi Agustin Risk Management for Healthier and Safer Tourist Destination ;Case Study at Parangritis Beach, Special Region Yogyakarta, Indonesia
34 Sunarti Sunarti, Diffah Hanim, Mustofa Ahda, Ahmad Ahid Mudayana, Kusnandar Kusnandar and Mukhammad Angwar Biscuits Substitution with Tempe and Catfish Flour Increase Birth Weight of Infants Born From Mothers with Chronic Energy Deficiency
35 Ahmad Faizal Rangkuti and Musfirah The Potential Human Health Risk By Ambient Air Pollution at Campus 3 of University X , Yogyakarta
36 Dedik Sulistiawan, Insan Rekso Adiwibowo, Muhammad Faozi Kurniawan, Laksono Trisnantoro and Wasis Budiarto Technical Efficiency of Maternal and Child Health Program at Public Health Center in Indonesia
37 Andriana Sari and Muhammad Adjie Cakrawardana The Complience of Hypertensive Patients in Health Center Pengasih I Kulon Progo